fairy fort

do you miss forts as much as i do? 

add a dash of whimsy to your cuddle puddle and you're there. 

you're welcome

Get yourself a fort. Adult-sized, easy to set up, heavily whimsical, and super collapsable for storage. It's a blank canvas AND a statement piece. 

Cozy blankets are a must - cover the floor or use as blankets to really add hygge to the space

Sacred components like tarot or crystal displays will bring allll the good vibes

Not even kidding, fluffy dog beds are a glorious cuddle puddle/cozy floor sitting hack. They're huge, soft, inviting, and really easy to clean. Grab a few to add warmth

A floor chair is great for a bit of back support while still keeping things cozy

Magical lighting is a spectacular addition. This is not the time to use the big light, or anything other than mood lighting

Salt lamps are another magnificent source of mood lighting. I love the white because I don't always want to have a ton of pink going on, but pink works just as well. Very supportive of the vibes

Fairy lights are not even an option. A gentle ambient light source, and potetial for warm white shimmering? Where do I sign?

Greenery really sends the whimsical energy over the top. Real plants are amazing, but not always an option. A matte garland will do just fine

finishing touches i love