house & home

if you're looking for more house stuff, definitely check out the ADHD hacks - they're good for anyone and everyone, regardless of adhd

Smart plugs will change your life. Never touch your big lights again, or worry if you left a lamp on. They're also great for anything with a mechanical on/off switch (fans, etc), and being able to control your home on a schedule or just with your voice? A DREAM.

Smart Ambient Lighting

app-controlled, with timers, schedules, color modes, and more. And with smart bulbs, any lamp can become a fun, and smart, light source

you're gonna need a stronger alarm

for a bed so delightful it's practically delicious

dream kitchen

a few favorites that make cooking and clean up and eating less of a "thing"

Everybody does it. Don't overthink it, but going your life without a bidet is actually way nastier than using one. Trust.